The Strategic information component of the HIV/AIDS division coordinate monitoring and evaluation of the HIV/AIDS program, surveys and surveillance as well as operational research and measures the program performance by providing comprehensive HIV/AIDS information for evidence-based planning and decision making.
Scope of Activities
- Development of the health sector HIV/AIDS M&E framework and plan
- Coordinate the monitoring and evaluation of all thematic areas of HIV and STIs program (ART, PMTCT, HTS, Hepatitis, Syphilis)
- Define harmonized indicators for the monitoring HIV/AIDS health sector program
- Identifies data sources and institutions responsible for generating data
- Develop data collection tools and processes
- Coordinates reporting for HIV/AIDS information, determines reporting format and data flow
- Generation Annual HIV/AIDS health sector report and Fact sheet
- Generation of HIV/AIDS Estimates and Projection
- Coordination of Data Quality Assurance to address data quality management issues (including developing SOPs, QC and QA)
- Coordinates and enforce measures for HIV/AIDS database(NDR) management and security, as well as modalities for data dissemination and use.
- Coordinate trainings on HIV/AIDS M&E tools, database and its usage
- Coordinate Quarterly M&E TWG meetings
- Coordinate Mentoring and Supervisory visits of M&E activities
- Coordinate of Data Validation Exercise
- Coordination of HIV Surveillance activities (Cased Based Surveillance, HIV Mortality Surveillance, HIV Recency)
- Initiates and coordinate the conduct of surveys during the survey year
- Identify and involve relevant stakeholders and ensure their cooperation and support
- Ensure adequate resources for the surveys
- Constitute relevant committees to guide the conduct of the survey
- Receive, review and act on progress report from the committees if need be
- Dissemination of survey findings to all stakeholders
- Use the findings to inform policy makers for proper planning and program implementation
- Conduct Operational Research at all levels to assess impact of interventions