Procurement & Supply Chain Management

Procurement, Supply & Logistics Services

Logistics unit is the engine hall of HIV/AIDS division that drives the process of commodity availability through effective coordination and participation of key stakeholders in the National Product Supply Chain.

Scope of Activities

  1. Development of Policy Documents and Frameworks and Pharmacovigilance (PV) structure
  2. Coordination of Quarterly Expanded HIV/AIDS PSM-TWG meetings
  3. Coordination of bimonthly National HIV/AIDS PSM-TWG (coordination) meetings
  4. Coordination of biannual joint national treatment, laboratory and PSM stakeholders' meeting to improve collaboration among the various players in the program
  5. Review and Monitoring of bimonthly LMDs
  6. Monitoring of quality assurance of medicines at all levels of care in collaborations with NAFDAC
  7. Coordination of National HIV-PSM situation room to provide information and directives for quick decision in the event of COVID-19 pandemic
  8. Product selection based on WHO recommendations, National treatment guidelines and assumption building
  9. Forecast Generation for HIV Commodities
  10. Coordination of Supply Plan Review of HIV commodities to ensure adequate resources is available to guarantee commodity security for the HIV/AIDS programme.
  11. Operates a pooled basket procurement system from major funders and Government of Nigeria
  12. Inventory Management & Distribution coordination through the Nigeria Health Logistics Management System (NHLMIS)
  13. Developed protocol and costed budget for cohort event monitoring of TLD with collaboration with NAFDAC and support from CHAI, PEPFAR, NACA,WHO and FHI36O/GF.
  14. Participation in the quarterly integrated stock status report comprising of all the public health programs and anchored by National Product Supply Chain Management Program (NPSCMP) with support from MSH.
  15. Coordination of biannual integrated MSV comprising the treatment, laboratory and PSM components with support from CHAI, PEPFAR, NACA and GF